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Highland Rose fingerless mittens
The motif design for this is inspired by the Rose, symbol of love and joy. Two colours are knitted into each row, the colours alternately carried behind the work to create a soft and lightweight double-layer fabric which has excellent insulation qualities.
Many traditional fairisle knitting motifs feature a rose - a favourite with knitters as it lends itself so well to the stranded colour work technique.
Mitaines Highland Rose
Inspiré par la rose, symbole de l'amour et joie. Deux couleurs sont travaillés sur chaque rang, les couleurs tenus derrière pour créer un tissu léger de double couche - de bonne isolation pour les jours frais.
De nombreux motifs de tricot fairisle traditionnels comportent une rose - une favorite des tricoteurs car elle se prête si bien à cette technique.
Highland Rose fingerless mittens
KnitKit : €69 including shipping worldwide
The KnitKit includes all the yarn needed for the garment and gauge swatches (Jamiesons Spindrift 100% shetland wool) You will receive the pattern, in .pdf format, by email along with confirmation of shipping.
The pattern, for hand knit and standard gauge single bed knitting machines, gives colour stitch charts for each section, as well as written instructions and links to useful resources.
Returns accepted within 7 days in good condition and original packaging.
All shipping costs are the responsability of the buyer.
Please allow 28 days for delivery |
Highland Rose fingerless mittens
Knitting pattern €9.95
For hand knit and standard gauge single bed knitting machines, the pattern in .PDF format includes colour stitch charts for each section, as well as written instructions and links to useful resources.
Immediate download.
No return accepted on digital downloads.
Get the pattern free when you buy the KnitKit.
I regularly check yarn prices worldwide, to ensure that my price - including postage - is more economical than if you buy the yarn locally. Check it out!
Knitting pattern - Yarn required:
Jamiesons Spindrift 100% shetland wool
Col 1: 1 x 25g
Col 2: 3 x 25g
Col 3: 1 x 25g
Col 4: 1 x 25g
Col 5: 1 x 25g
Col 6: 1 x 25g
Col 7: 1 x 25g
Col 8: 2 x 25g
Total : 10 x 25g |
Beware of substituting yarns and colours - my designs rely on the choice of specific shades available only from Jamiesons of Shetland 200+ colour range.
Click to buy the hand knit pattern:
When your payment is completed you will be redirected to the download page - do not close the browser window until you have downloaded your pattern files.
Click to buy the machine knit pattern:
When your payment is completed you will be redirected to the download page - do not close the browser window until you have downloaded your pattern files.
All designs featured on this website are the Intellectual property and copyright of Gooden Gansey © All rights reserved.
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Le droit d'auteur de tous les dessins affichés sur ce site sont la propriété intéllectuelle de Gooden Gansey © Touts droits réservés.
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